Mon - Fr:
9 AM - 6 PM
Sat - Sun:
Day off

The thermoelectric modules do not contain lead or any other forbidden material according to RoHS directive requirements (except option max=150°C).


Input current resulting in greatest dT (dTmax), (Amps);
Voltage at dTmax, (Volts)
Maximum temperature difference a module can achieve, (°C)
Maximum amount of heat that can be absorbed at cold surface (at I=Imax and dT=0), (Watts).
Temperature of cold surface during operation, (°C)
Temperature of hot surface during operation, (°C)

Designed specifically by Interm
Designed specifically by Interm
Precise temperatures
Precise temperatures
Compact and efficient cooling
Compact and efficient cooling


(Press file name for download)

HOT FACE Th=25°C DIMENSIONS Make an order
dTmax, °С
Qmax, Watts
Imax, Amps
Umax, Volts
a b c d e
TECB-30 -Series
TECB-30-31-(13.9-7-59)-102-69-RCH 69 59.0 7.0 13.9 Ø 120, center hole Ø 90 3.6 Add
TECB-50 -Series
TECB-50-106-(15.2-2-20)-50-71-RCH 71 20 2.0 15.2 Ø 50.0, center hole Ø 10 4.3 Add
TECB-50-107-(15.2-4-35)-50-71-RCH 71 35 4.0 15.2 Ø 50.0, center hole Ø 10 4.0 Add
TECB-50-108-(15.2-6-51)-50-71-RCH 71 51 6.0 15.2 Ø 50, center hole Ø 10 3.6 Add
TECB-52 -Series
TECB-52-113-(6-8.5-30)-58/40-70-RCH-S 70 30 8.5 6.0 Ø 58.0, center hole Ø 40 4.4 Add
TECB-52-114-(15.2-6-50)-59/41-70-RCH-S 70 50 6.0 15.2 Ø 59.0, center hole Ø 41 4.2 Add
TECB-66 -Series
TECB-66-156-1-(14.4-1.2-10)-54-69-CH 69 10 1.2 14.4 Ø 54, center hole Ø 42 3.2 Add
TECB-66-156-2-(14.4-1.2-10)-54-69-CH 69 10 1.2 14.4 Ø 54, center hole Ø 30 3.2 Add
TECB-66-156-3-(14.4-1.2-10)-46-69-CH 69 10 1.2 14.4 Ø 45, center hole Ø 24 3.2 Add
TECB-89 -Series
TECB-89-174-(4.7-3.9-11.4)-24/22-72-RCH 72 11.4 3.9 4.7 Ø 24/22, center hole Ø 10 4.5 Add
TECB-96 -Series
TECB-96-185-(19-8.5-82)-100/110-SS 68 82 8.5 19.0 Semicircular strip 100×10R=45, center hole Ø 4.7 2.0 Add
TECB-104 -Series
TECB-104-192-(18-4-39)-80-71 71 39 4.0 18 Ø 80 4.3 Add
TECB-116 -Series
TECB-116-204-(4.5-14-29.6)-24-60-CH 69 29.6 14 4.5 Ø 24, center hole Ø 12x13 3.3 Add
TECB-116-204-2-(9.6-7-33)-24-64-CH 64 33 7 9.6 Ø 24, center hole Ø 13x12 3.4 Add
TECB-116-204-3-(9.25-7-32,8)-24-65-CH 65 32.8 7 9.25 Ø 24, center hole Ø 13x12 3.6 Add
TECB-121 -Series
TECB-121-212-(4.7-7-16.8)-24/9.8-70-CH 70 16.8 7 4.7 Ø 24/9.8, center hole 3.6 Add
TECB-126 -Series
TECB-126-216-(3.8-3.7-8.1)-28/14-72-CH 72 8.1 3.7 3.8 Ø 28/14, center hole: 3.9 Add
TECB-140 -Series
TECB-140-(14.7-3.9-34)-30-70 70 34 3.9 14.7 Ø 30 3.6 Add
TECB-143 -Series
TECB-143-(10-3.5-18.2)-57/39-70-CH 70 18.2 3.5 10 Ø 57/39, center hole 4.1 Add
TECB-145 -Series
TECB-145-226-(8-12.5-46.8)-30/10-70-CH 70 46.8 12.5 8 Ø 30/10, center hole 3.6 Add
TECB-161 -Series
TECB-161-243-(15.4-3.6-29.7)-5/20-70-CH 70 31.3 3.8 15.4 50 Ø 50, center hole 20 2.9 Add
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